It's too cold. It might rain. The streets are wet. I have to go to the grocery store. I'm hung over. My laundry is piled up. My spouse wants me to (fill in the blank). My girlfriend/boyfriend is in town... no excuses this time...
Spring is almost here. I guess it is time to get relatively serious...
An excellent adventure is planned. If weather permits, plan to do the entire westside TdN route (minus Warner Park) for a total of @ 30 miles at a 12-14 mph pace. No one will be left behind. We will regroup at various spots along the way. Cue sheets will be available. I will sweep.
1:00 P.M., Sunday, March 2, my place.
my wife's for real.....but maybe......
That is a valid reason. You're excused.
maybe she would like to get her old dale out the shed and come with....johnny wanna sit this one out and babysit????
Baby sit? What's that ? You are outta luck there.
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