The Sunday Ride for March 2

Sunday looks like it is going to be be an awesome day for cycling!!!!

It's too cold. It might rain. The streets are wet. I have to go to the grocery store. I'm hung over. My laundry is piled up. My spouse wants me to (fill in the blank). My girlfriend/boyfriend is in town... no excuses this time...

Spring is almost here. I guess it is time to get relatively serious...

An excellent adventure is planned. If weather permits, plan to do the entire westside TdN route (minus Warner Park) for a total of @ 30 miles at a 12-14 mph pace. No one will be left behind. We will regroup at various spots along the way. Cue sheets will be available. I will sweep.

1:00 P.M., Sunday, March 2, my place.


Anonymous said...

my wife's for real.....but maybe......

JVC said...

That is a valid reason. You're excused.

Anonymous said...

maybe she would like to get her old dale out the shed and come with....johnny wanna sit this one out and babysit????

JVC said...

Baby sit? What's that ? You are outta luck there.