Weekend Ride Recap w/ photos

Saturday marked the 5th annual Tour de Nash: a fantastic event !!! Great vibe from the start... Stocked rest stops were plentiful and the routes were well planned and varied enough from previous years to keep it interesting. Kudos to whomever took the Otter Creek hill out of the west side route ! Our riding group splintered at the Shelby Bottoms Bridge. I wound up with @ 60 miles for the day including the pizza and Yazoo post ride tours.

The Sunday Ride rocked ! With Percy Priest Dam as our destination, a determined group headed to the greenway with high expectations and a hint of fear of the unknown...

The first stop was 2 Rivers Skate Park. Dan (GAD) threw down with the mohawked youth and dazzled the crowd with his skills on the halfpipe!

After a perilous crossing of Lebanon Road, we encountered lots of beautiful scenery but had to portage around a few impasses.

That's Ron, Cindy and Matt passing America's Next Top Models!

Finally, we reached the dam......

Alice and Karla joined us at the dam and we headed back. A short but heavy rainfall briefly lowered our spirits but we all safely made it back across to 2 Rivers. (For those of you considering this route, there is no easy or safe crossing of Lebanon Rd.)

I got a rear flat and my Red Zepplin inflator basically exploded under pressure. Ron had 2 extra cartridges, both of which had been used... misery ensued. Greg Crowe (no relation) and DJ to the rescue. They happened by and had a small pump that provided just enough PSI to get me rolling again.

After a few miles of slooooow riding with a under inflated (half-flat) rear tire over a rough section, I realized a pinch flat was eminent.
Suddenly, like a CO2 angel, Halley emerged from the horizon and offered a unused 16 gram cartridge. It was full speed back to the start from there.

GREAT RIDE !!!!!!!!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like the pic of the blonde. Made it look like you were taking pics of your cycling friends! Sneaky... (-;